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What I can do for you


Based on your ideas and wishes, we go through the creation process together

  • sketches/design
  • choice of material
  • choice of gemstone
  • the size
  • the finishing (polished, brushed...)

According to what process I will use to create your jewelry, I can provide pictures or 3Dfiles of your jewelry if you wish so.


I provide a repair and care service for your jewelry such as

  • sizing up or down rings (ring chart)
  • chain solder
  • clasps replacement
  • setting stones
  • and more

Contact me if you have any question regarding the price of the service, it differs depending on the material of your jewelry.

From old to new

If you have jewelry that you do not wear anymore, or broken ones, why not make something new out of it?
I can use the materials that you have to help the process of fabrication of your new jewelry.

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